Responsible Researcher:

César Ricardo Siqueira Bolaño (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS)

Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), where he works in the PROPEC Postgraduate Program in Economics. He holds a Ph.D. in Economic Science from the State University of Campinas (1993). He is the coordinator of the Grupo Economía política de la información, la comunicación y la cultura do Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). He is the leader of the research group “Communication, Political Economy and Society” (OBSCOM/CEPOS) and the founder of the International Electronic Journal of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture – EPTIC Online (1999), of which he is the director. He has experience in the area of Economics, with emphasis on the General Theory of Economics, working mainly on the following topics: communication, economics, political economy, information, and telecommunications. Included in the list of the 10,000 most influential scientists in Latin America, according to the ranking AD Scientific Index 2023, AD Scientific Index 2021 e 2023.



Leading Researchers:

Alain Herscovici (Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES)

Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), where he works at the Department of Economics and in the Postgraduate Program in Economics. He holds doctorates in Economics from the Université de Picardie (1992) and the Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (1983). He has experience in the area of Economics, more specifically in the following topics: Economic Epistemology and Methodology, History of Economic Thought, Cultural Economics, Information Economics, Law and Economics, Welfare Economics, Macrodynamics, and Institutional Economics.



Murilo César Ramos (University of Brasília - UnB)

Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Brasília (UnB). He has a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Missouri-Columbia, United States. He is the founder and senior researcher at the Center of Politics, Law, Economics, and Communication Technologies (CCOM), and the Communication Politics Laboratory (Lapcom), at the same university. His academic history includes an expressive contribution to debates and the formulation of public communication policies in Brazil, whether as a professor and researcher from UnB or as a collaborator of the National Forum for the Democratization of Communication, or as a consultant. His most recent research works have focused on Responsive Theory and Regulation of Telecommunications in Brazil (2019-2020), The Political-Normative Modernization of Broadcasting in Brazil (2021-2022), and Regulatory Challenges of the New Digital Ecosystem (2022-present)



Associated Researchers

Helena Sousa (University of Minho - Portugal)

Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Minho, where she presides the Social Sciences Institute. She completed her doctorate at City University, in London, in 1996. Editor of the European Journal of Communication, she is a Full Member of the EuroMedia Research Group. She is a member of the Regulatory Council of the Regulatory Entity for Social Communication (ERC) of Portugal. Among the various areas of research that she promotes, there are media regulation and communication policies, and the intersection of the political economy of communication with journalism.


Daniela Monje (National University of Córdoba - Argentina)

Professor of Communication Studies at the Center for Advanced Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She has a Ph.D. in Communication from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). She is the coordinator of the Grupo Economía Política de la Información, la comunicación y la cultura from the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). She is the vice president of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (Alaic). Her research focuses on the analysis of communication and culture policies, telecommunications, and the right to communication.


Verlane Aragão (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS)

Professor at the Department of Economics, at the Postgraduate Program in Economics (Professional Master’s Degree) and at the Master’s Degree in Communication at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). She has a Ph.D. in Economic Development from the Federal University of Paraná (2007), with a doctoral internship at the Facultad de Comunicación from the Universidad de Sevilla, and a Post-Doctorate in the Post-Graduate Program in World Political Economy at the Federal University of ABC. She is the the president of Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture, Brazil Chapter (ULEPICC-Brazil). She is the vice-leader of the research group “Communication, Political Economy and Society” (OBSCOM/CEPOS). She has experience in the area of Political Economy, with emphasis on the Political Economy of Communication and Culture, working mainly on the following topics: work processes and relations, productive restructuring, telecommunications and cultural economy.



Ruy Sardinha Lopes (University of São Paulo-USP) (University of São Paulo - USP)

Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (IAU-USP) and at the Postgraduate Program of this Institute. He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy (2006) from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP. He is the leader of the CNPq Research Group Núcleo de Estudos das Espacialidades Contemporâneas (NEC-USP) and researcher at the Economía Política de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura Group of the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) and the Celso Furtado Network for Research in Communication, Culture and Development (COMCEDE). His researches cover aesthetics; history of art and architecture; political economy of culture, communication and information; contemporary culture, philosophy and history of technology.



Jonas Valente (Oxfor Internet Institute)

Postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. PhD in Sociology from the University of Brasília (2019), with a sandwich period at the Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon (2017). He is deputy leader of the Research Laboratory in Economics, Technology and Communication Policies at the Federal University of Ceará and a researcher at the Communication Policies Laboratory at the University of Brasília (Lapcom-UnB), in the Study and Research Group on Work at UnB. (GEPT-UnB) and the Economics and Communication Observatory of the Federal University of Sergipe (Obscom-UFS). Member of DiraCom - Right to Communication and Democracy.



Peichi Chung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Peichi Chung is an associate professor in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her teaching and research interests include new media and video game industries in Asia. Her teaching focuses on new development of media cultural studies. She investigates issues related to new media production and cultural policy in the sub-regional locations within Asia. Her research interest includes video game industry analysis at the levels of corporation, government and digital labor. Since 2006, she intensively studied innovation dynamics in the online game industries of Asia. She has published journal articles and book chapters on video game industries in Korea, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and other Southeast Asian countries. Her co-edited book, entitled Media Technologies for Work and Play in East Asia was published by Bristol University Press in 2021. Her recent works examine the political economy of independent game production and distribution in China and Hong Kong. She currently works on new form of digital labor in the computational work environment that emerges in the esports industries of South Korea and China.

Curriculum Vitae

Postdoctoral Scholarship Holder

Helena Martins (Federal University of Ceará-UFC)

Professor of the Social Communication – Publicity and Advertising course and the Postgraduate Program in communication at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). She has a Ph.D. in Social Communication from the University of Brasília (UnB, 2018), with a studying period at the Higher Institute of Economics and Management (Iseg) of the University of Lisbon. Editor of the EPTIC Journal. Leader of TELAS – Research Laboratory in Communication Policies, Technology and Economics. Researcher at the group Economía Política de la Información, la Communicación y la Cultura from the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) and the group “Communication, Political Economy and Society” (OBSCOM/CEPOS). She works mainly on the following topics: Political Economy of Communication; communication policies; technological changes and society; right to communication. Her trajectory is also marked by her participation in civil society groups, currently working at DiraCOM – Right to Communication and Democracy and in the Coalition Rights on the Network.



Technical Training Scholarship

Danilo Oliveira (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS)

Bachelor in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe. IT Technician from the Federal Institute of Sergipe-IFS BRASIL. Technical Training Scholarship in the Economic Governance of Digital Platforms Project with funding from the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation-FAPESP. Project based at the Center for Applied Social Sciences 2, Economics and Communication Observatory - OBSCOM/UFS.


Scientific Initiation Scholarships

Brenda Lima Santos (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS)

Studying the fourth period of the Law course at the Federal University of Sergipe. Technique in Computer Networks, from the Federal Institute of Sergipe, where I participated as a scholarship student in the Cnpq - PIBIC Jr Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships in Secondary Education, with the project entitled: "Writing and sources for teaching History in Education Integrated Medium in times of crisis: From the Black Blocs to the Covid pandemic (2013-2020)" Current advisor to the People Management board of Themis Empresa Júnior de Direito and researcher in the project “The economic governance of digital networks: for an analysis of markets and Internet competition and its impacts on user rights”, a scientific and technological cooperation, with FAPESP, MCTIC and


Scientific Initiation Scholarships

João Paulo Silva Guimarães (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS)

Graduating at the Department of Social Communication - Cinema and Audiovisual at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Scientific Initiation Scholarship in the Economic Governance of Digital Platforms Project by the Communication and Economy Observatory/UFS and financed by FAPESP. He also works in social groups as Director of Political Training at the UFS Academic Directory of Social Communication and at the Movimento Por Uma Universidade Popular (MUP).
