Registration is open: Pre-conference "Digital platform approaches from Latin America and other margins: social mediation, market structures, labor relations and sovereign alternatives"

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Danilo Oliveira

5/9/20242 min read

The event is part of the IAMCR Annual Conferences, which will be held at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. The pre-conference will take place on June 29 and 30 at the same university. The project "The economic governance of digital networks: towards an analysis of Internet markets and competition and their impacts on users' rights", by the Obscom-Cepos group, in partnership with the Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture Group (PEICC) of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO).

The impacts of the development of digital platforms will be discussed, considering all these changes and the centrality of the new global cultural system in economic, political and cultural terms. To this end, three themes will be discussed that constitute the basic methodological model of analysis of the Brazilian Political Economy of Communications (PEC): (1) at the central level, the problem of labor, which is related to the forms of production of value, labor in the production of platforms and labor mediated by platforms; (2) at the microeconomic level, the relationships between market structures and the strategies of the relevant agents in different countries; (3) at the macro-social level, the problem of sovereign responses, considering regulation, governance, the development of public policies and community alternatives.

SESSION 1: The problem of work

June 29th (Saturday), 2pm-4pm

i) Subsumption of labor in contemporary times

César Ricardo Siqueira Bolaño (Federal University of Sergipe – Brazil)

ii) Work mediated by digital platforms

Jonas Chagas Lúcio Valente (Oxford Internet Institute - UK)

iii) Amazonia, territoriality and platformization: a case study of the Urbano Norte app and its social mediation structures

Ana Cirne Paes de Barros; Cândida Nobre; José Maria Mendes (Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil)

iv) Plataformización del trabajo audiovisual en Argentina, preguntas y desafíos metodológicos en la configuración de un sector

Juan Martín Zanotti, Florencia Guzmán (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de San Luis - Argentina)

SESSION 2: Market structures and agents' strategies

June 29th (Saturday), 16h30-18h30

i) Platformization and structure of digital markets

Helena Martins (Universidade Federal do Ceará - Brazil)

ii) The power of platforms over the news industry in Latin America

Diego García Ramírez (Universidad del Rosario - Colômbia)

iii) Fiction After Television. Infrastructure and Economic Agents of a Platformed Format

Ezequiel Rivero (CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Argentina)

iv) Big data in emerging markets: the conceptualization of public goods

Federico Beltramelli (Universidad de la República - Uruguay)

v) Being an 'ICHINA' Online - Everyday Discursive (Re)production of Internet-Mediated Chinese National Identity in the Era of Consumerism and Fandom

Zhiwei Wang (University of Edinburgh)

SESSION 3: Sovereign Responses

June 30th (Sunday), 2pm-4pm

i) Neocolonialismo en el sector info-comunicacional: Soberania tecnológica y recursos geológicos en América Latina. Daniela Inés Monje (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Argentina)

ii) Isabel Ramos (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Ecuador)

iii) Brazil's Sovereign Responses to Disinformation and Platform Governance
Giovanni Francischelli (PhD student in Media Studies at the University of Oregon)

iv) Audiovisual platforms on the margins. The limits of market structures and policy responses in Europe's periphery
Jaka Primorac (Institute for Development and International Relations); Helena Popović (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)

iv) A Panoramic View of Online Polarization Across Latin America's Digital Landscapes: Definitions, determinants, methods and results from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Colombia
Tariq Choucair; Kate O'Connor Farfan (Digital Media Research Center - Queensland University of Technology)

The conference will be open to academics and civil society. To take part, simply fill in the form available at:

IAMCR Official Opening ceremony

June 30th (Sunday), 5pm

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